It is somewhere around the middle ground of twenty that the looming figure of thirty begins to haunt us.

I often thought that when my time would come to face the dreaded thirty I would happily walk into it. But somewhere around twenty seven I began to get jitters. My body clock is ticking, my life is not going the way I had imagined and an odd fear of being a constant average has kicked in. 
But of course I could not let it be like this. I had to fight what I knew is going to be a long drawn process. Because it is not just about the odd three or four years leading up to thirty but the post five too that contribute to this state of mind.

And hence when I got a chance to decide upon the theme for A-Z blogging challenge.
I decided it to be
A-Z of being in your mid twenties!

Over the next few posts we would be discovering the changes and the conflicts that mid twenties face in their run up to the dreaded thirty. 
I welcome my readers, those in mid twenties to share their thoughts on what it is like to anticipate a ‘thirty’ and yes those of you who have now conquered the phase elucidate more on their journey. 
Officially kicking off the wonderful A-Z blogging challenge.If you are taking part in A-Z blogging challenge this April, then do leave your blog link in comments, will surely link it up with my posts. Thanks!

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A quick Update:

Also taking part in #Indie30 project is me! You can read all about it here.

Their topic today was “How has your view of the world changed because of travel?”

This needs a whole long post but I will tweet my views all day on the topic. For now I will share a photo depicting some of my thoughts:

A women will always be ready for a photo op no matter where!
A smiling face is prettiest and no camera can deny that
Travelling comes to life when people remain etched more than places

For more of my views you can keep track of me on my twitter profile here

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Don’t forget to tune in to #blogchatter every Tuesday at Nine PM IST. To read more about this twitter chat you can click here.

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