Okay so you are here now. In the twenties you imagined. Gearing up for the big break your life will get post all the hoopla of academics.

And it didn’t quite get up to the levels you had planned.

One of the most depressing parts about being a mid twenty-something is that the plans have now matured and yes they haven’t turned out quite as you hoped them to be.

I know it happened with me. I was planning on making it very big in life, things I had hoped no one would ever dream of achieving. But that didn’t happen. I followed a trajectory almost everyone around me did. If I may permit myself to say so, even fell short of that too.

This thought starts to boggle us down. We imagine ourselves doing much worse in thirties because the start itself has been low. We are behind in race already.

Here I would add a thought.

Life is not a hundred metres race. It is a marathon and the turning points in it are not the initial starts but the steady pace of movement.

Remember how you planned on your twenties? Day dreaming, etching points full of passion and what not? Well do the same for your thirty now. Believing it to be another chance at finding the final goal post.

What did I not do?

I of course planned on starting my own enterprise, I failed.
I thought I would have traveled more than what I have now.
I realised somewhere I suffered because I didn’t make it to a tier one college.

What will I do now!

I have realised I lack a business sense, but I am good on my own kind of person. Will plan on a writing future
I couldn’t travel a lot because I never had the right company. And perhaps lacked the passion for solo trips. Perfect husband has now come along 😀
I made it to a great job where almost every one around me is from a tier one college, will make good use of this opportunity 🙂

You tell us what future had you planned? Did it remain on track? If yes then share your points, if not then what did you do to correct it?

If you are taking part in A-Z blogging challenge this April, then do leave your blog link in comments, will surely link it up with my posts. Thanks!

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