As a writer (and a blogger) reading is an integral part of my DNA. It is what makes or breaks me on any given day. Today after a much fun filled spontaneous discussion on books over twitter, we at blogchatter decided that the prompt for the week has to be:

Books that made you

Fountain head By Ayn Rand

If you have been into books you have obviously heard of this one. It is a permanent reco on my list to anyone who hasn’t read this already. How has it made me? I have read this book a total of twice in my lifetime- once in school and another time in college. The difference in my reactions was:

In school I knew I would grow up to be a Howard Roark one day, in college I knew I was already a Peter Keating

Midnight Children By Salman Rushdie

As fate would have it I had picked up this book as a borrowed copy from a friend. No matter how much I say, will be less about my emotions for this. Salman Rushdie as a writer has broadened my own canvas of imagination. His layers speak to you volumes every time you pick one of his reads. But Midnight Children especially becomes a personal favorite to anyone who has followed the timelines of Indian subcontinent. *no more spoilers, now just read*

P.S The movie was far far from what the book’s awesomeness was.

All Enid Blytons

I recall I had received Amelia Jane as a prize for the first time I got a rank in class (i.e when I was seven). It was the first among many I read. Blyton is the reason I am a reader today and I am sure many like me will swear by same.

Love in time of Cholera By Garcia Marquez

This came as recommendation from a friend. A very dear friend. And hence it had to be picked without as much as reading synopsis. It changed my world. Marquez even through translated work has communicated an almost perfect story of flawed loves. You feel for the characters, hate them and yet wish they find their happily ever after. Love in time of cholera is the kind of book that makes you sane, helps you discover life again. So yes a must must read!

Also the book has used sex as a very important tool to define different timelines, character stories and angles. Showing that for times immemorial sex has been used by writers to define their works with better subtleties.

Harry Potter By JK Rowling

You remember what blog you are reading this currently? Yes the Philospher’s Stone πŸ™‚ A huge huge harry potter fan is me. Rowling through her stories has woven a narrative that is beyond magic. It is a tale of human aspirations, desperation, fears, nightmares and love. Pure unadulterated love (remember Snape?) Goes without saying this book is as dear to me as this blog.

Harry Potter was a child we all grew up with.. it made us the adult we are today πŸ™‚

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Well I spoke of only five, here are a ‘few’ more πŸ™‚

Speaking of books, I have been meaning to take the Outdo Yourself Reading Challenge 2016 hosted by very own Corinne Rodrigues. So here it goes, this year I challenge myself to read fifty books! And that number puts me under the tab of ‘I’m under fire’ as per challenge πŸ˜€ Let the games begin then πŸ˜€


Co-hosting Blogchatter prompt this week with Aditi Kaushiva. Write a post on ‘Books that made you’ and connect with us here.

Blogchatter is a twitter initiative where bloggers from all spheres connect, engage and support each other in taking blogs to next level. Also every Wednesday we have a chat session at 8.30 PM discussing a range of blogging topics each week. Tune in!

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